Sunday, October 12, 2008

Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

I Love Fall.

We build bonfires and sit around them, telling stories and singing songs.

The sun falls on (not-green) leaves, shining through them and turning them to stained glass.

We eat hot soup out of a mug, with triangles of buttered toast and warm, spiced cider.

The cold weather forces us all to bundle in cute jackets and colorful scarves.

The skies are clear and bright blue, a beautiful contrast to the (not-green) leaves.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


I haven't written. At all. Not a line. Not a word. Not a syllable.

But now? I will write. Because I feel like it. No other reason. Really.

1. I fell down the stairs a few days ago (my shoes were really slippery and I was in a hurry, okay?), and I thought that I had sprained my ankle or something, so I took some 5-Loxin and grabbed an icepack, and went to bed. And when I woke up? No sprain! Happiness!

2. I went to Wilmington last week, and saw people that I haven't seen since July, and even though I have not been away from them long enough to merit my missing them so much, I did miss them, and I was really glad to see them.

3. I have grown inexplicably fond of Diane Rehm. And she's on vacation. And somehow...I miss her. I miss a radio personality.
I could play the homeschool card, and say that since I spend a lot of time at home, I just get used to hearing NPR in the background CONSTANTLY, and that's why I miss Diane, SO SUE ME.
But I won't do that.

4. Now it's AUTUMN! I get to wear long pants and cute jackets and 80's leggings and pretty gloves! For lack of a better word (even though I have the entire Internet plus a thesaurus at my fingertips), yay.

5. Yay.

6. Yay.

7. I hope you're all doing really well.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Seven reasons that I am happy today:

1. I ran for a while today, and even though I was dripping in sweat, I felt really really good about life, and the fact that I was burning calories AND detoxing AND having a good time.

2. I listened to some of my brother's music (which was somehow synched onto my iPod, go figure) and I found that when the artists aren't screaming, most of the music is very good.

3. Go Fug Yourself has been updated, and now I can laugh knowingly at many celebrity's dumb fashion faux pas.

4. I have memorized my lines for not ONE but TWO PLAYS and I am SURE of them and I am so looking forward to acting them well.

5. NPR's 'Wait wait...Don't tell me!' was very funny, and it felt so good to laugh at it.

6. Breaking Dawn is out.

7. And. It. Is. Saturday.


Monday, July 28, 2008

And now, a post.

The wordy kind, not the supporting kind. Although, it has been my experience that words can be the post kind of supportive...

Hm. Yeah, never mind.

I took a picture of our noisy white rooster (whom mum has named Luciano) standing on the old kickback that we bought Eamon when he was still shorter than me, but is now fencing in our azalea/pine tree patch:

...And the camera was dead. Did I tell you that?

Yes. That is why I am so ridiculously proud of myself.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Whatever possessed me to get both a blog and a Facebook account? Has my mind convinced me that I am not a procrastinator? Or have I come down with a sudden case of advanced dementia?

No, no. This will not do. Radio silence, after all, is only acceptable on the radio. And only sometimes then.
So I have resolved to

1. Finish one thing before I do another.

2. Get into direct contact with my friends to let them know that I have not died and shriveled up.

3. Write once a week.

At least, I believe that with a good deal of poking and prodding, I might get those things done.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

I just had a fit of insecure late-spring cleaning

and that is why my blog has changed color.

Well, that, and the fact that black is SO last week.

Or, at least, not this week.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So today I was poking around on StumbleUpon (my new favorite website) and I...stumbled upon...a C-span video of Dennis Kucinich submitting a resolution for the impeachment of (name removed to prevent certain Republican persons from hating my guts forever more), containing 35 articles and spanning over 5 hours. (My esteemation of Dennis Kucinich? Now through the roof.)

I know I (and the majority of this country) have been screwed over, but I didn't know that it was this bad. I know he's a politician, so I'm taking Denny's resolution with a grain of salt, but he's still got a teensy, weensy point (ah, but what is his point, you ask. You'll have to watch the video:

I now feel like a jilted girlfriend.

I really HATE politicians.